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Showing posts from October, 2008

And I resign...

Dear Sir, It is a sad day today, as I am going to talk about leaving. About closing one chapter and turning a new leaf of leaving and searching for a new beginning. I know you don't take people leaving well. Maybe you will feel I am ditching you as you thought some others have Perhaps you feel there is no justifiable reason for people leaving However, I have no choice but to bid adieu. I have no choice but to satiate my dreams which change every changing day, And I believe I can realise those dreams. So, I do bid adieu. I have come to know of you as a person I admire in many ways. I long to be passionate about my work as you are of yours. I long to own something so completely that I want to even work when I am not working I have also come to know and understand myself better, I have come to be honest to myself at whatever cost The very reason that brought me here. But, now I feel I am stagnating. It was great working with you, Though there were times I wanted...