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Showing posts from December, 2011

Break the monotony

Break the monotony break all rules walk all the distance don’t give-in, to those moments, to back out, don't you dare, shy away. Take those chances, to break into newer paths, lined with courage, hidden in your hearts. Break the monotony and break those rules, swim in the ocean run to the places unvisited, when life as we know, will end in our souls. 


when, the walls close in, when, the ground shakes, underneath, constantly, unceasingly. when, the will, slips away, to fight, to reclaim, to rise up. to sort, to build bridges, then, all it takes, to lift the laden feet, to straighten  the stooping shoulders, is, to breathe. just, to take in the air, to fill your lungs, to simply, breathe, one breath at a time, one heartbeat in time, breathe...

The end of life as you know

What I know is to live this life, to see the beauty, to enthrall, to enthuse, to revel, to feel the magic that holds the world together. This magic which astonishes. The magic beyond anybody’s control. The words, the inspirations, the wonder that people see. The passions that they chase. The dreams that they follow. Doesn’t matter, the logic. Or if it can be broken down in to levels of reason. Doesn't matter if you don’t understand, what matters is that you are blown away by it. To see, to be and to give yourself completely to these moments, is the end of life as we know it.  From then on, the definitions change.  The plates move, ever so slightly, and the core has altered in greater degrees. Giving rise to that moment which gives the absolute meaning for your existence on this earth. And, that is the purpose of life.  The moments when you feel as much alive, breathing and sensing. To slowly, flow in these moments, and to get free off them. To reach a greater plane whe...

when change arrives

It’s silent, their love. with endless possibilities, hidden in stolen glances, blood-rushes, on tinted cheeks, frozen hands, to freeze time. It’s a river, their life. changing, flowing, gurgling with joy, attaining depths, rushing on shallow lands, heading to a destination, by etching  its own course, with frozen hands, to freeze time.


Enough of lines of feelings which cannot be quantified. Enough of the hopes which cannot be fulfilled. Enough of the lies which escape those bloody hands. Enough of the days of longing and wants. Enough is all I say. Enough of trying to change The muddled world. Enough of wanting fairness, From the greedy souls. And then,  one day arrives. with no more space for desires and wants, in the vacuum filled, empty cup of life.